Sunday, July 10, 2016

Working of Refrigerator & Refrigeration Principle

Refrigeration technology is commonly used in domestic and industrial applications. This video gives a detailed and logical introduction to the workings of refrigerators using the vapor compression cycle. The Basic Principle The basic principle of refrigeration is simple. You simply pass a colder liquid...

Air Conditioning Circuit and Cycle Diagram

The component at #1 in this air conditioning circuit and cycle diagram is the compressor. The compressor is the heart of the system; it keeps the refrigerant flowing through the system at specific rates of flow, and at specific pressures. It takes refrigerant vapor in from the low pressure side...

Performance Testing

Compound Gauge (Low Side) •The compound gauge derives its name from its function. It will register both pressure or vacuum. •All air conditioning systems can, under certain conditions, drop from a pressure into a vacuum on the low side. It is necessary that a gauge be used that will show either pressure...

Basic Refrigeration Cycle

Theory of Refrigeratiion Cycle Principles of Refrigeration •Liquids absorb heat when changed from liquid to gas •Gases give off heat when changed from gas to liquid. For an air conditioning system to operate with economy, the refrigerant must be used repeatedly. For this reason, all air conditioners...
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